I beg you will limit yourself to this ornament, even of which your charms have no need. This present should please you the more that it has not increased my expenditure, since it is composed of diamonds I possessed when I was a dauphin.Share
The Annunciation
3 days ago
Elena Maria, THAT is absolutely exquisite! The workmanship defies any comment. Who would ever wear feathers when they could put this magical diamond feather in their hair. I also love how Louis XVI admits to holding down his expenditures because they were diamonds that already belonged to him! You would never hear Louis XIV make that comment!!
Who knew Louis XVI had such taste and artistry? This is a lovely ornament, obviously inspired by the king's love of his wife.
Thanks for all the great little vignettes of the day-to-day lives of these people, that reveal so much about their real personalities.
A gorgeous jewel indeed...It shows the intimate love and communication of MA and the King...Where is the diamond feather today?
Yes, NC, that is so true.
LS, I don't know.
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