Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Pope's Visit

I believe the Holy Father's visit to be an occasion of grace for our country. I have tried (unsuccessfully) to watch every minute of it, and have found every bit to be inspiring. Some of the music at the outdoor Mass in Washington, DC was not entirely suitable but it was a magnificent event nevertheless.

Terry Nelson reflects on the dangers of being overcritical. There are legitmiate criticisms of anything which can be voiced with charity and reason. However, to be consumed by a critical spirit can poison the soul. It can blind the soul with bitterness so that even the most innocent persons and events are viewed with contempt. I have seen such contempt of others too often in so-called traditional circles.

Meanwhile, we are watching the papal Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral. The music is beautiful; they are using a lot of Latin. How splendid to see the great cathedral overflowing with people! Share


papabear said...

I missed it this morning, but hope to watch it tomorrow. Even though the Mas was for priests and religious, I have heard that a lot of young religious were in attendance, especially nuns from growing and recently-founded orders. I hope I can spot some Dominican nuns!

Alexandra said...

" be consumed by a critical spirit can poison the soul. It can blind the soul with bitterness so that even the most innocent persons and events are viewed with contempt."

I've seen this too...unfortunately within my own extended family. :( I've become good at recognizing it before I get ensnared, and making myself an island when need be. I'm the queen of strong boundaries. ;) You are so right, it is poison to the soul.

I remember reading a passage in a nice semi-fictionalized biography about Catherine of Sienna where she meets with one the Pope's poisonous nieces when the Pope resided in France. Catherine gave the woman the cold shoulder and walked away because, "the stench of sin" was too great. I know how she felt! Among other things, this particular niece spread horrible rumors about Catherine.

Anyway, I'm enjoying the Pope's visit...only focusing on the good - his messages of hope and love. Poo on everyone else. ;)

Terry Nelson said...

Thanks Elena. Yes - I believe that the Holy Father's intention for a new Pentecost for the United States will bear much fruit.