Sunday, August 12, 2018

Letter from Marie-Antoinette at the Vatican

 A letter conserved in the Vatican archives is from Marie-Antoinette to one of her brothers-in-law. It is appears to be a letter of shared condolences, perhaps on the occasion of the death of one of Marie-Antoinette's children, either the first Dauphin or Baby Madame Sophie. I am thinking it might be one of the Italian brothers-in-law, such as the Prince of Piedmont, the future King Charles Emmanuel IV of Sardinia, who was married to Clothilde of France. They were a loving couple but they had ongoing sorrows, including childlessness. Charles Emmanuel was also the brother of the Comtesse de Provence and the Comtesse d'Artois, as well as being close friends with his cousin Henry Benedict Stuart, Cardinal Duke of York. After his wife's death, the King abdicated and became a Jesuit lay-brother in Rome, which is probably how the letter came to the Vatican.

Charles Emmanuel IV of Savoy


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