Saturday, January 4, 2025

Marxism and Religion

 From Hillsdale College:

The ideas of socialism have a powerful pull on the hearts of men.” These are the first words uttered by Hillsdale College Professor of Economics, Ivan Pongracic, in our newest course, “Marxism, Socialism, and Communism.” Yet, this political philosophy that claims to be for the people has only ever caused immense harm to the people.

On the surface, socialism presents noble and good ideas. One of the goals of socialism is to create a level playing field for all people. Some forms of socialism go so far as to suggest that the goal is utopia—a perfect society. No poverty, no war, and no suffering of any kind.

But considering the socialist societies throughout history, it takes no genius to realize that socialism achieves everything opposite to that for which it strives. Mass poverty, incessant war, and immense suffering are its results. As Hillsdale College Professor of Politics, John Grant, poignantly puts it, “attempting to eliminate all evils actually means you have to commit terrible, terrible evils, and you never get to a better place either.” (Read more.)


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