Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Execution of Louis XVI

January 21, Saint Agnes day, is the dies natalis of the Roi-Martyr, when two hundred and thirty-two years ago, Louis XVI was taken from the Temple prison to be guillotined. The previous night he had said farewell to his family, and their reaction was so hysterical that he decided not to see them again in the morning, for fear of faltering in his own courage. His fifteen year old daughter fainted. He rode to his death in a coach accompanied by the Irish priest, Abbé Edgeworth de Firmont, who had been Madame Elisabeth's confessor and who had refused the oath to the government. Together they recited the seven penitential psalms, as described in the novel Trianon.

Arriving at the scaffold, the executioner tried to bind Louis' hands behind his back but he resisted, not wanting to be treated like a criminal who might try to run away. Abbé Edgeworth, fearing the king might be struck, convinced him to submit to the indignity by saying that it was one more way in which he resembled his Master. Louis raised his eyes to the sky as if seeing beyond this world and then with hands bound he ascended the scaffold unassisted. The drummers drowned out his last words to his people. Some observers later reported that Abbé Edgeworth cried out,"Ascend to heaven, son of St Louis!" although the priest said he did not remember, being overwhelmed. Many ran forward with handkerchiefs to dip in the king's blood, as the executioner raised the head aloft, making obscene gestures. Some of the handkerchiefs were later preserved as holy relics. The king's last words were:

“I die innocent of all the crimes imputed to me. I pardon the authors of my death, and pray God that the blood you are about to shed will never fall upon France.”

The forgiveness of Louis XVI.
His widow.
The Vow of Louis XVI.
Memoirs of Abbé Edgeworth
Attempt to Canonize Louis XVI. Share


julygirl said...

He was the scapegoat

lara77 said...

The blood did fall on France; many times and many people suffered.The Reign of Terror was a precursor to the revolutions of 1830 and 1848. The Commune and its bloody reprisals in 1870 and 1871 were another reign of terror. Yes, France paid a heavy price for a terrible crime against an innocent man.

Stephen Lowe said...

Not only France, but the terror spread geographically and temporally and it is in evidence today throughout the world.

elena maria vidal said...

So true.

Unknown said...

They should have guillotined Henry VIII!

Jeanne said...

Yes, Helen. The English should've dethroned and/or executed Henry VIII first. His removal would've set an example to all tyrants everywhere. Sadly, it wasn't so. If Louis XVI was a reactionary tyrant in practice, the French Revolution would have been avoided.

Unknown said...


Sansa said...

I do feel for Louis xvi and his family, they never deserved this.

crazylikeknoxes said...

I'm at some loss as to how I should mark the day. Music is always a safe bet and there were a number of Requiems written for Louis XVI. I am listening to that of Jean-Paul-Égide Martini (available like others on YouTube). Martini (actually from Barvaria) obtained the post of surintendant de la musique du roi in 1788, but did not actually take up the post until 1814. The Requiem was his final work before dying in 1816.

elena maria vidal said...

Excellent idea. I will do the same. And thanks for the info.