Saturday, November 5, 2022

The Era of Pretendians

 From American Greatness:

“Sacheen Littlefeather” even had the effrontery to lecture the audience at the 1973 Academy Awards about the maltreatment of American Indianson behalf of Marlon Brando, who protested the awards that year by not showing up to accept his award for Best Actor in the timeless masterpiece, “The Godfather. “Sacheen Littlefeather’s” other sibling, Trudy Orlandi, thinks the motive for playing Indian was profit. She “found it more prestigious to be an American Indian than it was to be Hispanic.” It’s hard for me to keep track of how liberals calculate which fake race hustle earns them the most money. The actress-activist’s sisters believe that “Deb”which is what they called “Sacheen”got her pretendian name from the Sacheen Ribbon Company, which “made the thread they used to make clothes as children.” “Sacheen”who died earlier this monthlived long enough to get an apology from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the “treatment she received for refusing Brando’s Oscar for him.”

Another appropriator is Rachel Dolezal, a 100 percent white woman who “identified” as a black oneand became president of the NAACPuntil she was forced to resign in the wake of revelations that she’s even less black than Warren is Native American. These events are all of a piece with Joe Biden’s recent claims, such as the one about his son having died in Iraq and—prior to that—of having been “sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community.”      

Emphasis on “sort of.” (Read more.)


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