Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Election Is Illegitimate?

From the GOP Times:

The Chairman of the Federal Election Commission went on record with one of what us media types like to call a “bombshell” announcement.

It this case, it really is explosive. The top boss of all the election officials, Trey Trainor, confirms that in his professional opinion, this election is “illegitimate.”  Trey Trainor who serves as chairman for the Federal Election Commission is personally convinced that, from what he’s seen in Pennsylvania, and reports he’s been getting from elsewhere in the country, this election is illegitimate.

He dropped a bombshell on the liberal network news media during an appearance at Newsmax when he made the announcement that he believes “that there is voter fraud taking place in these places.”

A full six days after the election, some states are still counting ballots, that isn’t normal. There are a whole lot of questions about where all those last minute illegitimate “bastard” ballots came from. (Read more.)


From The Sara Carter Show:

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in a memo Tuesday that the DNI will not work with the media’s President-elect Joe Biden until it’s clear who the winner is and as of yet, there is no clarity and the General Services Administration has not yet announced the winner. According to the New York Post, Biden’s team is pushing the Trump administration to force the transition before the states actually ratify the electoral count. The conflict has led to threats from the Biden camp to take legal action over the ongoing refusal. (Read more.)



julygirl said...

Since the 'Lamestream' media has announced the results of the election is that Joe Biden is President and that there was no voter fraud, who are we to question anything?

elena maria vidal said...

That certainly seems to be their attitude.