Thursday, October 22, 2020

Can Concepts Capture Love?

From Church Life Journal:

His thesis of the univocality of love, on the contrary, allows no exception, not even the opposition between human and divine love. In the command “Come!” from the Book of Revelation, which Marion describes as “the final word of Revelation and of the mystical theology rooted there,” there still resonates something of the human call, and even of the cry of human love—in short, “God loves in the same way as we do.”

But in what way, precisely? All of Marion’s conceptual work, which is also terminological work, consists in attempting a description that does not dismember the phenomenon, but instead preserves its cohesion and its coherence. For example, he never speaks of “desire,” or of “instinct,” or of “sexual drives”—even if the corresponding phenomena are present in his analyses and even minutely described—alongside which there would come to be added in a second stage feelings, emotions, or wishes. Love cannot be broken down into desire, on the one hand, and feelings, on the other. On the contrary, with sexuality we are already within the dimension of eroticism, which is to say of love, one and indivisible. (Read more.)


(Image source)


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