Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Poorly Catechized Catholics

 From The Federalist:

It’s ironic Walsh takes offense at Barrett’s moral beliefs being associated with Catholicism when those very beliefs constitute core teachings of the Catholic faith. Her circular argument ends with a self-defeating point when Walsh acknowledges that Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, also opposes abortion and contraception (in line, allegedly, with Barrett’s views).

Walsh appears to have a gross misunderstanding of what being Catholic means, equating Catholicism with statistical polling data of the personal views of 20th- and 21st-century American demographics, as opposed to living in accordance with the spiritual and moral teachings of the Catholic faith. As implicit evidence that Barrett’s views are offensive to Catholicism, Walsh points to polls wherein more than 50 percent of Americans who identify as Catholics support legal abortion while more than 40 percent do not.

Walsh might not have gotten the memo that Catholic teaching considers abortion an intrinsic evil, the killing of an innocent human child in the womb, and that the moral teachings of the Catholic faith are not based on polling data about what many nominal Catholics believe. That would be an incredibly empty and superficial “faith.” Instead, the faith is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ as articulated in Scripture and tradition, passed down to the apostles, and interpreted by the pope and the bishops as members of the magisterium, the divinely inspired teaching body of the church.

Walsh’s logic is absolutely nonsensical. In Barrett, she attacks a devout Catholic for having beliefs that are true to Catholic morality, portraying them as offensive to Catholicism. To say there is a logical fallacy here would be a gross understatement. (Read more.)


Some brave bishops and priests speak out, HERE.


1 comment:

julygirl said...

It is always open season on Catholics but one dare not speak a negative word about the Muslim faith even when many of its adherents subjugate women and have terrorized the world and butchered individuals.