Thursday, July 23, 2020

Seducing Our Daughters

From LifeSite:
Shrier, a lawyer by trade, began looking into the explosion of adolescent girls who said they were transgender after she wrote about transgender laws in an article for The Wall Street Journal. Parents and others reached out to her saying that their daughter(s) are struggling with transgenderism and that many of their daughter’s classmates or friends claimed to be transgender. Since the investigative journalist at The Wall Street Journal wouldn’t look into those claims, Shrier decided to herself.  
While writing her book, Shrier interviewed countless physicians, psychiatrists, parents, surgeons, girls who had transitioned, girls who never transitioned, and girls who regretted their transitions. During her research, Shrier realized the transgender agenda was targeting young women. Shrier highlights the fact that gender dysphoria, as a mental health condition, has been studied for years and that it overwhelmingly presents itself in boys of elementary school age and younger. Rarely do adolescent girls have gender dysphoria, which has been on the rise in recent years. (Read more.)

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