Though PBS typically is biased toward abortion, the Rev. Clenard H. Childress said he was pleasantly surprised that the report was fair and balanced, the Jacksonville Free Press reports.Share
Childress, who was featured extensively in the report, is the assistant national director of LEARN, the largest African-American evangelical pro-life organization in the United States.
The program “Anti-abortion Crusaders: Inside the African-American Abortion Battle” aired in December. It centered around the key message of black pro-life advocates: “The most dangerous place for an African-American child is in the womb.” People can watch it online here.
The abortion rate is disproportionately high in the black American community. Even though black Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, 35 percent of the babies killed in abortions are black, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The black genocide of abortion is disturbingly evident in New York City, where state data shows more black babies are aborted than are born.
Many believe that Planned Parenthood and other abortion facilities target black women for abortions. One analysis found that the abortion chain placed 79 percent of its abortion facilities within walking distance of minority neighborhoods.
“Planned Parenthood has taken it far beyond what the Klu Klux Klan thought they could possibly take it,” Childress said on the program. “How do you calm down over genocide?
“We need more African-Americans informed on the best kept secret in America; that is black genocide via the targeting of African Americans by the abortion industry,” he continued. (Read more.)
The Lorica of Saint Patrick
1 day ago
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