The biological phenomenon called epigenetics has been known since the 1970s, but for unexplained reasons, not really discussed at large till recently. Keeping epigenetics obscure may have served a purpose – to advance and maintain the fading idea of Darwinian biology. Darwinian evolution demands millions of years for mutations to occur, whereas epigenetics is now.Share
The Lorica of Saint Patrick
16 hours ago
Are you aware of the Mitochondrial DN: Eve gene.
It seems that tehre is a gene which is only passed through females and judging the mutation it has been determined that it came from a single woman. Therefore the Eve gene.
" Ultimately, every person alive today has inherited their mitochondrial DNA from one single great-great-great-. . .-grandmother, nearly 200,000 years ago." Openheimer
From what I have read, Darwin differentiated between organisms adapting to changing environments, and/or filling niches by adapting to them ("survival of the fittest, from Natural Selection and Evolution. Not that I am defending Darwinism, but it never seemed to me that he lumped these various phenomena under one process as appears to be indicated by the article.
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