Sunday, February 28, 2010

A French Breakfast

Delicious simplicity. Share


Julygirl said...

Yum! The fabled Continental Breakfast of which we have only a poor substitute in this Country. Having come from an Agrarian background I am also a proponent of the full blown caloric, heart stopping, country breakfast.

elena maria vidal said...

After living in France it is hard for me to have a huge heavy breakfast first thing in the morning. I do like a hearty country brunch, though. Especially a Maryland country brunch, such as what Mike and I had at our wedding reception.

Anonymous said...

Having grown up on it my whole life, just this morning as we breakfasted on french bread right out the oven, with cafe au lait, I declared to my family (for the millionth time) that this is the best breakfast in all the world!

(You can take the girl out of New Orleans, but you can't take the french of the girl!)

elena maria vidal said...

Sounds wonderful! I am dying to visit you!

Anonymous said...

My favorite breakfast is baguette with jam and cafe au lait! Tongue in Cheek is a beautiful blog. I've added it to my blogroll (I started a second blog called Tea & Etiquette).
