Tuesday, July 3, 2007

American Myths


Everybody have a great Independence Day. Drive safely and don't drink too much. Share


Anonymous said...

Well.. this July 4 seems ominous as it did long ago when daughter served in the Marines and when son served in the Navy -- only moreso, now. Son is about to leave for Iraq. It's very hard for me to support the military, so I don't. I simply tell my kids (who got sucked in via their economic deficits) to stay low and not kill anyone.. and I beg prayers.

elena maria vidal said...

I will certainly pray. My heart almost stops just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Yes, mine, too.


Anonymous said...

That was an interesting article and a scholarly explanation of the historical background of the 4th of July. However, to most Americans it is a time for Bar-B-Que with the family and a day off from work. Whether it be Christmas or the 4th of July the deep significance to most Americans is lost. Keeping home and hearth together nowadays takes lots of energy for families.

Anonymous said...

a friend of mine said we should also be celebrating "Tridentine Independence Day" too ;)!