Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Abomination of Desolation

"When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand." ~ St. Matthew 24:15

I wrote to the Frederick News-Post in response to the announcement of opening of The Wye Oak Tavern in the former Visitation Academy Chapel. It seems the local parish priest tried to have the sacred images removed to avoid profanation, but the Frederick Historical Society would not let them be taken down. Unbelievable. Here is my letter:

It is with pure horror that I viewed the photo of the Visitation Academy Chapel turned into a bar, in the Tuesday, December 3, 2024 edition of the Frederick News Post.. Any Catholic, especially anyone who ever worshiped there, would surely feel the same. I went to daily Mass in that chapel, as well as to funerals, baptisms, First Communions, and weddings, including my own. I would never be able to stroll in for a drink and neither would anyone in my acquaintance. What is called a "de-consecration" we call a desecration. Because that chapel was consecrated to God alone and, according to canon law, should have been dismantled before being sold for secular use. I do not blame the builders or new owners; those responsible belong to the Archdiocese of Baltimore who sold holy ground for profane purposes. Well, I guess they really needed the money. I do wish that the statues of the angels and the painting of the Holy Family over the altar had been removed. Surely some church would have wanted to buy them. Oh well. Whatever happens in that bar occurs in the sight of the angels.



Mary K said...

Although I have seen enough of this desecration in my life to have become almost numb to it, the initial shock of each new example still makes me want to cry.

elena maria vidal said...

Me, too. It especially hurts when it is a place with personal memories.