Saturday, March 30, 2024

Trump The Dictator?

 From The Easton Gazette:

   It was not the first time I had heard Trump called a “dictator” but it still mystifies me how anyone could nourish such a notion. Dictators rule without the intervention of a Supreme Court or an elected legislative body. Of all recent presidents, Trump was careful to stay within the limits of the Constitution, in spite of non-stop false accusations of wrong-doing, all of which came to nothing. He tried to work with Congress. The fact that people with more access to more news than ever before in history have so little understanding and awareness of current events, but instead believe Leftist propaganda, alarms me just about more than anything the puppet referred to as President Biden does or says. When people are fed false information, then they vote based upon what they think is real, whether it is or not. We forget that having a free press is unique in the history of nations; most countries, even when they had a press, had censorship. Those who deliberately spread false information are abusing a most precious freedom. We should never take our freedoms for granted, because the moment they are taken for granted, they are as good as lost. (Read more.)


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