Friday, November 10, 2023

Truth in Modern Times

 From Catholic Exchange:

Now truth is not a function of evidence.  It is a function of personal or shared perception. And, this idea of personal truth is known as “relativism,” the truth that truth is and can only be perceptual, a product of each individual’s preference and belief. 

That is why something can be true for you, but not for me, as so many are inclined to say in our modern time.   And, that ubiquitous universal standard is the real problem we have with the idea of truth and with any and every truth claim beyond the boundaries of science.  For that very perception about the nature of truth, as a matter of personal perception and preference, is often at the core of our clashes and the foundational first fact about truth that this article series will confront. 

For virtually all our modern clashes about truth’s nature and our many provocative and divisive topics and truth claims, all arise inevitably from the idea that outside of verified scientific truth, truth is simply and universally a matter of personal perception or cultural commonality.  A matter of historical artifact or cultural precedent or momentum.  A manifestation of power, control and manipulation by those in positions of influence and authority. (Read more.)


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