Sunday, November 19, 2023

Navigating an Increasingly Violent World

 From Dr. George Simon:

We live in an increasingly violent world. In fact, violence is so prevalent in our lives that we’re largely desenitized to it. Everyone wants what they want and lacks compunction about the viciousness with which they go after it. Sometimes it seems like you take your life in your hands just making a trip to the grocery store in your car.

There are so many ways to be violent. And most of our violent behavior is not physical. Sometimes, the violence is in our words: hateful, spiteful, heart-crushing words. And it can be in our actions, too, even subtle, hurtful actions that aren’t clearly physically violent. Exploiting one another, crossing major boundaries, taking advantage – all of these things are forms of violence. And while many times this violence is in the open, sometimes it’s covert. (See also: Aggression and Covert-Aggression and In Sheep’s Clothing.) But whatever the case, violence in one form or another has been the destroyer of relationships and families. And it’s become the destroyer of communities and societies, too. (Read more.)


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