Sunday, December 13, 2020

How The Lavender Mafia Works

 From Rod Dreher at The American Conservative:

The Catholic journalist Edward Pentin has an important interview with Father John Lavers, a Catholic priest who has some powerful insights into the McCarrick Report. First, some background:
He led a 2012 investigation into allegations of homosexual behavior and activity at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Connecticut that led to the removal of 13 seminarians, primarily from the Archdiocese of Hartford and Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey.

Father Lavers’ investigation also indicated that a homosexual “pipeline” had been created that funneled vulnerable Latin American candidates into some U.S. seminaries where they were sexually exploited, and subsequently ordained as actively homosexual priests in some American dioceses.

And on the basis of the evidence collected for the Holy Apostles investigation, Father Lavers concluded that it was Theodore McCarrick himself who was at the “epicenter” of this powerful influential network that has preyed on seminarians, and has advanced homosexually active clergy within the U.S. Church.
Father Lavers calls the McCarrick Report a “half truth, but not the complete truth.” More, from the interview itself...(Read more.)



julygirl said...

St.Peter's very bones should rise up in indignation against this erosion of what he was martyred for.

elena maria vidal said...

Yes. what a mockery of Our Lord and his saints.