People do judge us, though not usually as harshly as we judge ourselves. In today’s culture, we are obsessed with perfection and it holds us to a level that isn’t realistic; with our bodies, in our homes, for our children. We want to be the perfect mom, but this goal can be really overwhelming and isolating. And then you add in all the mom bashing that happens online, behind closed doors, and even face to face. It’s easy to feel like everyone is just doing better; that others have it all figured out….and maybe there are some moms that do.Share
But, I’m not one of them. I am not a perfect mom.
In my teen years, many people called me a baby whisperer. I could calm any crying child and put kids to sleep without even blinking an eye. And then I had my own children. Without strings attached, anyone can walk in and do something effortlessly for several minutes or even hours. It’s a lot harder to do it day in and day out; especially when you aren’t sleeping well (or at all)!
If I’ve ever looked at your circumstances and thought to myself that I could do it better, I’m sorry.
I have run a daycare in my home and cared for multiple children on a daily basis. I LOVED this job, it was busy, fun, crazy and great for my kids. It made me want to fill up my house with little feet all belonging to me.
But, until I had 2 children of my own close together in age, I didn’t understand the demands on a mother of having little ones all the time.
I love them dearly and I am so grateful that I get to stay home and raise my children. However, I apologize to you because I really didn’t understand before just how demanding and physically tiring it can be. It’s a job that leaves all hope of being a perfect mom in the dust. (Read more.)
Third Sunday of Lent
18 hours ago
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