When life in the palace of Versailles with Louis and their four kids got to be too much, Marie Antoinette slipped away to the Petit Trianon, a quaint (by royal standards) cottage in the garden. Two-hundred-plus years later, women across America have found the young queen was onto something. Today, "she sheds" -- small outbuildings women have created for their own purposes -- are fast becoming the new "it" structures. "The term she shed was barely on the radar two years ago," said Erika Kotite, author of "She Sheds: A Room of Your Own" (Cool Springs Press, January 2017). "Today a Google search surfaces millions of hits. Pinterest is on fire with she-shed content, and last year, a new TV series called "He Shed, She Shed" came out on FYI Network" -- all in response to a pent-up need for some private space. (Read more.)Share
The Lorica of Saint Patrick
12 hours ago
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