This is a problem for a film that has been billed as a “psychological thriller.” It should have begun with a near-normal character and slowly plunged her, and us, deeper and deeper into the world of her nightmares. Here, it is obvious from the outset that Nina is so seriously ill that she has not a chance to pull off the part she has been assigned. It is only a matter of guessing how much damage she will inflict on herself and others. Without suspense, a thriller is not much of a thriller.Share
Also, and I readily admit that it is personal, I have trouble with films where I cannot find one single likable character. Because we see everyone through Nina’s distorted vision, we perceive all other characters as threatening, malicious, evil. As for Nina herself, I felt sorry for her, but could not identify with. Natalie Portman is beautiful, and manages to convey Nina’s extreme fragility. Yet this tour de force performance is more overwrought than convincing. On many occasions I caught myself thinking “Here’s Natalie trying really, really hard for an Oscar.”.
Novena to St. Joseph
5 days ago
I have no desire to see this film.
That is why it did not receive an Oscar for best film.
The Occult Interpretation of the Movie Black Swan:
It gives conceptual insight of what is happening.
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