Sunday, January 10, 2010

The New York Blizzard of 1899

What a difference a century can make. Share


Celticlady's Reviews said...

I grew up in Milwaukee and I do remember snowstorms like this...Having to shovel tunnels to get to the street... and we complain now when we get a dusting. Although not me because I like the winter.. and I now live in Northern Wisconsin and it is supposed to snow here....
Have a great day!!

Julygirl said...

Where I live the school closings start being announced the night before if there is threat of a dusting. I know someone from one of the Dakotas and she relates a story of being taken to school in a horse drawn sled where her father would have them lie down and cover them with blankets. it seems Schools do not close so readily in that area. (By the way, this did not take place during the horse and buggy era, it was just easier for a sled to get through the snow in those days before 4 wheel drive.)