Fashion is My Muse considers to explore the attire of Queen Marie-Antoinette. Following the hunt was one of the ways she could be with her husband. (In those years before the children came, she would do just about anything to get Louis' attention.)
Although much is made of Marie Antoinette's choices of gowns, hairstyles and accessories, one of the Dauphine's most rebellious fashion choices is rarely written about. After learning to ride in order to accompany her husband and grandfather on the hunt, she abandoned the long flowing skirts of a sidesaddle rider and adopted slim breeches as part of her equestrienne habit....Share
In 1771, Marie Antoinette commissioned her portrait of herself in a masculine-style riding outfit by Josef Krantzinger. While this painting has been lost, it is believed that the artist captured "her joy so effectively that even her mother was mollified when she saw the painting, declaring it one of the most true-to-life images she had yet seen of her daughter" (Queen of Fashion, Caroline Weber, Picador Press, 2005, page 87).
Hi Maria :-)Looking at this painting I can literally picture it 'in the flesh' so to speak. A great image!
Yes, it is! I know what you mean.
WOW... Marie Antoinette in trousers? THAT must have generated a lot of heat among the aristocracy! I have never before heard of this, with as many bios of this courageous, unconventional and altogether lovable queen as I've read.
Your blog is tremendously interesting, and beautifully produced. While I do not agree with your political views, I consider this blog to be a treat and greatly enjoy the historical information you offer here. I notice you manage to produce at least one post a day and often two, while writing your novels, and I am very impressed with your output and the high quality of the articles.
Thank you, North Coast, for the kind words. So glad you enjoy my blog!
And we probably agree on more political issues than you might think.....
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