Monday, August 16, 2021


 From Inside the Magic:

Much like Aragorn and Arwen’s love affair in The Lord of the Rings trilogy books and films adapted by Peter Jackson, Beren and Lúthien defy the pre-establish rules of Middle Earth to follow their hearts. In the process, Beren loses his hand, a jewel heist takes place, and Lúthien gambles her immortality to break her love back to life. In the end, they are finally able to pursue their love, but both were forced to live as mortals and die the death of men.

In Legends, when Anakin and Padmé secretly married on Naboo, the ceremony was officiated by Maxiron Agolerga, a bishop of the Brothers of Cognizance. Padmé requested that the pontifex keep the marriage a secret and limited the information about the event. When giving their names to Maxiron, Padmé called herself Veré while Anakin used the pseudonym Set. (Read more.)


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