Monday, August 5, 2019

Jesus Weeps

When babies in the womb are not protected by the law then respect for human life disappears. Combine that with broken families, fatherless households, drugs and every kind of abuse; society goes into a free-fall. People go crazy. Fine, take away all the guns and the violent ones will turn to knives and bombs. People who have no reverence for God have no hope of heaven, no fear of hell. Any and every evil becomes possible. From Annie Karto:
There are no words. All we can offer are our prayers and efforts for a safer nation. People are quick to blame… but it seems that as a nation who has turned violent on its own children in the womb, the sacredness of ALL life is at risk.

A mother was killed protecting and shielding her 2 year old child. Her life is a testament to the sanctity of life.

Thank you to our brave police force and first responders who daily risk their own lives to do all they can to save others.

Protecting the sanctity of life starts in our own hearts, in our wills, in our laws as a nation. We are called to carry one another’s burdens, and so we mourn with all the families who have lost their loved ones. Unspeakable sorrow, and ours to help carry. I offer a song, “Refuge for You” “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. (Read more.)

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