Cinderella as a servant in her own home | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Dreams come true |
Arriving at the Ball |
Meeting the Prince at the Ball |
Dancing at the Ball |
Fairy Godmother |
Ella's Mother |
Ella's Mother:
Have courage and be kind.
~from Cinderella (2015)
Too often in films, fairy tales are retold to fit current agendas, especially the feminist agenda. Snow White becomes a warrior and Sleeping Beauty's bad fairy becomes a martyr of male cruelty. This is one reason why Disney's new blockbuster
Cinderella is a refreshing change from the usual movie fare. Shakespearean actress Lily James brings both grace and
innocence to the part of Ella, a heroine who finds strength in
kindness, courage and forgiveness. It made me fall in love with
the old fairy tale all over again, retold
on a grand and magical scale. Amid the enchanting and lavish sets and costumes, the golden rococo coach stands out as particularly entrancing, as well as the glass slippers, which look like Waterford crystal.
Director Kenneth Branagh does not apologize for his traditional version.
According to The Independent:
In an era of revisionist fairytales such as Frozen and Maleficent,
it might be a surprise to find that Branagh’s take on the story of
Cinders and her glass slipper is determinedly traditionalist. 'I don’t
find myself so exercised by a desperation to be new,' he says, pointing
out that when you mix a fresh cast with costumes and production design
by, respectively, triple Oscar-winners Sandy Powell and Dante Ferretti, 'all of these things create a new energy'.
And while the Charles
Perrault fairytale has already been immortalized on screen by Disney’s
own 1950 animated feature, taking it on held no fear for Branagh, given
his experience in re-interpreting Shakespeare. 'I choose to be inspired
by things that have been done well in the past,' he says. 'So, I don’t
worry about being compared, because I think that does paralyze you.' (Read more.)
Cinderella is perhaps the most universal of fairy tales, one that has
in many cultures over the course of several centuries. The experience
of having a stepmother was not uncommon in the days when women sometimes
died in childbirth and so the story of the "Cinder Maid" resonated
deeply with past generations. Today, with the high rate of divorce and
remarriage, young people often find themselves living in the same house
with a step-parent, which even in the best situations can offer
challenges for everyone involved.
On the most basic level,
is a tale of injustice and suffering inflicted upon an innocent by an
older person whose job should have been to nurture and protect. The
innocent is aided by forces from beyond this world, leading to final
vindication; in this manner the story fulfills the very natural hope of
those who have endured any type of material misery or abuse. As is the
case with other fairy tales, the older versions are darker and much, more violent, with the triumph of the heroine being the result of struggle,
not merely handed to her on a platter. The wicked stepsisters are
grotesquely punished in the older tales whereas in the newer renditions
they are shown mercy.
The new film
makes many points about the nature of family life and the bond between parents and their children. Because she had a loving childhood, Ella does
not pity herself. The love of her parents stays with her even after
they die. Rather, she pities her stepmother and stepsisters, who are unhappy in spite of their material well-being. As for the Prince, because he comes from a loving and happy parental union as did Ella, he is determined to marry for love, which fuels his search for the mysterious maiden.
The Prince |
Stepmother and Stepsisters | | | | | | |
1 comment:
This film gives us hope that there are still people out there who want to produce something of hope and beauty for both adults and children. Bravo Kenneth Branagh and company!
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