The month of May is a time for honoring the Blessed Mother. May processions and crownings are beautiful traditions. A simple May altar in the home is lovely as well.
May is also a good time to make the rosary a part of one's daily devotions, if it is not already. Here are the words of St. Louis de Montfort on the history of the rosary. Here is a wonderful site which details the history of prayer beads in general and the rosary in particular.
Andrew Cusack has photos of the 2008 pilgrimage to Chartres.
Today is the feast of St. Simon Stock.
The Holy Father has recommended making a novena in honor of Our Lady Help of Christians for those suffering in China.
(Photo courtesy of The Crescat) Share
I have always loved May particularly because of its association with May altars, flowers and crownings.
Thanks for all the lovely links about May and Mary. This very topic came up today in a discussion.
Oh, there is a lovely short video you will probably appreciate, called "May Feelings" on youtube.
Happy May!
Hi, Elena! May is my favorite month because of the May Crowing. We had ours last weekend with the first communicants dropping petals before the Blessed Mother statue, which was especially wonderful this year, as my first dd was one of them.
Hope you're doing well. I've enjoyed my visit (as usual) catching up on a few of your posts. I think of you often, even though I don't get a chance to visit as much these days.
Love the photos from Chartres!
Hugs to you,
Happy May to you all!
Yes, veritas, we need to bring back some of the old customs.
Great video, gmn.
Thanks, Suzanne. Hugs to you!
We attended our first May crowning as a family this year. The children showed such sweet devotion - they especially loved bringing flowers to Mary. I made some Marian May Baskets for my children and we created a home altar together. I've loved learning more about these May Marian traditions!
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