Thursday, March 24, 2016

Posthumous Portrait of Marie-Antoinette

A gift from the artist to the orphaned daughter of the Queen. From Vive la Reine:
The Comte de Cossé presented me, Madame, with the portrait of my Mother which you had asked him to bring me. You have afforded me the double pleasure of seeing in one of your most beautiful works an Image very dear to my heart, thus of being beholden to you for having used your talents as a proof of your sentiments. Be assured that I feel this more deeply than I can express. And count on my feelings for you. –a letter from Marie Thérèse Charlotte to Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun. (Read more.)

1 comment:

LC Douglass said...

Incredible portrait! Less stylized than the well known paintings of Marie Antoinette. Thank you for posting this.