Our friend in Oxford remembers the last King of France to die while on the throne. Two of his siblings died on the guillotine and one died in exile, Louis XVIII, the most unscrupulous of politicians, died in his bed. To quote:
As effective King of France from 1814-15 he was successful in
re-establishing the traditional monarchy within a model of contemporary
understandings of constitutionalism.
That might well have been a basis for a longer term settlement than it
turned out to be. He himself expressed his doubts as to whether his
brother and heir, Charles Count of Artois, was going to be able to
maintain that settlement. The fact that he did not prove able to do so
has always invited comparison with King Charles II and King James II in
and calculating, a wary man, he was successful as a monarch, less
attractive as an individual. Unlike the jibe about his dynasty he
certainly had learned from the events of 1789 and thereafter, as indeed
had King Charles X, even if they were different lessons. When it came to
forgetting King Louis remained hostile to the House of Orleans in a way
his supposedly more reactionary brother was not.
some respects, including his appearance, he remained in many ways an
eighteenth century figure, unlike King Charles X, who, although only two
years younger, had embraced ideas and concepts of the times in which he
found himself. King Louis XVIII had late eighteenth century cynicism,
suited to the politics of any age, King Charles X possessed early
nineteenth century romantic idealism, which is a less sure source of
political strength in troubled times.

King Charles X died in 1836 King Leopold I of the Belgians wrote to his
niece Princess Victoria in England "Poor Charles X is dead. history
will state that Louis XVIII was a most liberal monarch, reigning with
great mildness and justice to his end, but that his brother, from his
despotic and harsh disposition, upset all the other had done and lost
the throne. Louis XVIII was a clever, hard-hearted man, shackled by no
principle, very proud and false. Charles X an honest man, a kind friend,
an honourable master, sincere in his opinions and inclined to do
everything that is right." (Read more.)
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