Thursday, January 13, 2011

Gowns of Two Tsarinas

Melanie has a post on the gowns of Empress Maria Feodorovna and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. I saw some of the gowns when they were displayed in Wilmington, DE. about twelve years ago.



Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous painting! YOu can just FEEL the silks, velvet and fur!

Beautiful cut work on that yellow gown. So 1800s. :)

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


Love these gowns! Can you imaging wearing such fabulous pieces?

~ Gabriela ~

elena maria vidal said...

Aren't they sumptuous, Georgette?

Yes, Gabriela, I CAN!

The North Coast said...

The coronation robe she wears is the most beautiful I've ever seen. It's not deep purple, but appears to be a soft plum, my favorite color, and the silver ornamentation is really unusual and exceptional.

And the painting is incredible, with textures that are palpable, and beautiful colors.

The subject herself is very lucky in her looks, too. The painter must have enjoyed painting such a pretty subject in such luscious fabrids.

Darryl Grant said...

Totally agree and in other photos, you don't see that faint violet color, but as many know it was Alexandra's favorite color and she was one of thevgreat beauties of her time.

elena maria vidal said...

Her Imperial Majesty was indeed one of the most beautiful women of her day and she loved mauve/lilac shades.