Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prince William's Bride

Is Kate Middleton the only option? The reason that royalty in the days gone by would usually marry into other ruling families was not just to make a foreign alliance for diplomatic purposes, but to insure that the bride and groom both came from a similar background. When a foreign bride was a princess, it was a given that she would have some basic experience of court life and of the lack of privacy that goes with it, as well as understanding that a royal marriage was about duty and service, not glamor and fun. One of the problems that Marie-Antoinette experienced as a teenager at the French court is that, even as a daughter of the Imperial house, her upbringing had been informal compared to life at Versailles. Share


Julygirl said...

Yes, these days they expect to marry and live happily ever after, unlike the Royals of old who knew it was all about alliances.

Christina said...

Looking at the recent marital history of the Windsors, I can't say that marrying for love has really worked out better for them than the old custom of arranged marriages between royals. You make a good point about brides "born to the purple" being better equipped to handle the demands of royal etiquette and public scrutiny. One might wonder who Queen Elizabeth would choose for William if she had any say in the matter.

May said...

I may be a stick in the mud but I do prefer for royals to marry royals. Marrying commoners is alright once in a while, if it is an unusual commoner. These days, however, it seems to be becoming the rule rather than the exception.

lara77 said...

The Windsor track record is certainly not the best yet the present Royal Family of France had a terrible record with the late Comte de Paris( a girlfriend while married to the late Comtesse de Paris.) Also, the present Comte de Paris divorced his wife Marie Therese and married a Spanish woman. I don't believe this was the best example of dignity and noblesse oblige.

Dymphna said...

The Windsors make terrible spouses.

Anonymous said...

I think that a marriage can go wrong whether they narry royals or not. Kate Middleton will learn fast and she will quickly get used to it. For example, Grace Kelly was a commoner and she made an outsanding Princess of Monaco. There are several members of current European royal families who married non-royals and, for the most part, it seems to be working. Marying royals was a practice when marriages were political agreements and nothing else (for the most part). Nowadays, such agreements aren't necessary and members of royal families make their own decisions. I believe that if Prince William really wants to marry Miss Middleton, she will adjust to the royal lifestyle in no time.