Saturday, February 7, 2009

Tea Etiquette

Lucy introduced me to one of the most charming blogs in the world, Etiquette with Miss Janice. Miss Janice gives detailed instruction on the do's and don'ts of tea-time deportment, HERE, many of which apply not only to tea parties but to every meal. She also explains place-settings and how to arrange the glasses and utensils. There are some rules we all occasionally need to be reminded of.

There is also a post in which Miss Janice describes the proper way to arrange a tea table. She explains different ways of doing things. I usually brew the tea directly in the pot when having several guests, although I know that others like to pass out tea bags, which works especially if you have a samovar. A silver service is perfect for entertaining a large group; a smaller china tea set is better for a gathering of only a few friends. Nothing is homier than an earthenware or ceramic tea pot for everyday. There are some lovely tea sets available at our Tea Room, along with everything and anything else needed for a pleasant and delicious event. Share


Lucy said...

Isn't it a lovely blog? It's filled with all these detailed tips that I would have otherwise never even heard of.

Clare said...

What a delightful blog it is! Thanks so much for posting the link.

Alexandra said...

They have tea rooms here in Virginia. I love going to them, especially the one in Richmond at the Jefferson. We did tea at friend's homes when I was a child overseas, but I don't know anyone who does it anymore. Sad, because I miss these sorts of get-togethers. I no longer has access to people who live this way.

May said...

That is an absolutely delightful blog! Thanks to you and Lucy!!

Anonymous said...

What a nice blog that is, thanks for posting this, Elena. I must admit I cringed at a couple of the tea etiquette rules, though. I think I would find it awkward to lift the saucer with the tea cup when I am seated at table. In the situation when tea is taken in the living room, sitting on a sofa, well of course one has the saucer held below the cup at all times. But at table, I don't see the point. Is this really the rule?
(We take tea twice daily here in India. I guess I've been doing it all wrong!)

And, looking into the cup (or any beverage) instead of over it...I don't know what I do! I'll have to pay attention next time, LOL