When they reach the Capuchin church, a member of the funeral party cries "Open!" and the Abbot inquires "Who are you? Who asks to enter?"Share"We bear the remains of His Imperial & Royal Highness, Archduke Carl Ludwig Maria Franz Joseph Michael Gabriel Antonius Robert Stephan Pius Gregor Ignatius Markus d'Aviano of Austria!"
"We know him not," the Abbot responds. "Who goes there?"
And again: "We bear the remains of His Imperial & Royal Highness, Archduke Carl Ludwig Maria Franz Joseph Michael Gabriel Antonius Robert Stephan Pius Gregor Ignatius Markus d'Aviano of Austria!"
"We know him not". For the third time, the Abbot inquires, "Who goes there?"
"We bear the body of Carl Ludwig, our brother, a sinner like us all." At that moment, the doors of the abbey swing open and the Abbot calls out "You may enter!"
The Annunciation
3 days ago
How moving...brought a tear to my eye. At death our station in life becomes equal in the sight of God.
We are dust and return to dust.
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