Thursday, June 6, 2019

Can Medieval Artisans From Guédelon Help Rebuild Notre-Dame?

At Guédelon, there is a dedicated team of craft persons and volunteers who are building ‘a 13th-century château using the tools and techniques of the epoch and, as far as possible, locally sourced basic materials’ according to the Guardian. The building is based on a ‘typical French medieval chateau-fort, modeled on designs from the 13th century’ reports The Atlantic . There are a couple of dozen people working at the castle site. 
Those who work on the castle are dressed as the 13 th century, artisans. They are even using horses to hauls materials and employ medieval technologies such as a winch drum. Guédelon looks like a construction site from the Middle Ages in almost every way and it has become a tourist attraction
Many of the workers have abandoned often lucrative professional jobs in order to take part in the project. For example, Baptiste Fabre abandoned a career as a scientist and became a traditional stonemason. The project was started in 1997 by Michel Guyot and Maryline Martin. The aim of the scheme is to help not only to better understand medieval building skills but to preserve the ancient skills and trades. The duo who started the project wanted not only to preserve the ancient skills but to show that manual work had dignity and worth and could enhance the lives of individuals. (Read more.)

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