In prison his demeanor was calm and dignified, and worthy of his great name. He asked to be allowed to see his sister, who had already applied in vain several times for the sad pleasure of embracing her brother. At last she was admitted, along with two of her relations. He rose to meet her, and flung his arms round her neck. The heart of the poor lady was ready to break with grief. He who had been her pride, who had been the hope of the royalists and the terror of their foes, was about to pass from prison to death. As she wept, and her companions with her, he said, with a trembling voice, “Do not weep thus. Do not shake my courage. I have fought for God and for the king, and it is for them that I am going to die. I have need of all my firmness. I implore you, restrain your tears. Sister, have you not often said, that in heaven we shall meet again?”Share
The Annunciation
3 days ago
What a noble man!
Charette truly was a hero for all time. A devoted soldier, loyal to to his faith and to the king, conscious of his fate if caught by the enemy. Yet, he never wavered in his beliefs and principles. Rest in peace dear Sir; you were a noble son of the Kingdom of France.
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