In many glorious ways, Benedict XVI has done just that. With unerring fidelity he has explained the sacred deposit of the Faith to its opponents, both cultured and uncultured, with patient eloquence and stunning insight. Many reforms in the Church’s structure and the purification of abuses were his intense initiatives. Rather like St. Francis of Assisi going to meet with the caliph of Egypt clad only in simplicity, Benedict XVI refused to wear a bullet-proof vest when he went to Turkey, turning the anger of many to respect. A new reverence and beauty in worship has been his gift to the Church through his renewal of the sacred rites, and the provision of an ordinariate for whole groups seeking full communion with the Church “amazed and astonished” many. (Read entire post.)Share
Novena to St. Joseph
4 days ago
I am so sad to see Our Beloved Pontiff go. God's will be done.
I tried to send this to you in email but I see that email address no longer works. (Email me sometime with the new one?)
This is the official Vatican website's dedication to Benedict XVI. It is truly beautiful:
Thank you, Gette. I have the same email that I have always had. I am sorry you had trouble sending the link to me. I don't know what the problem might be.
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