Wednesday, July 17, 2024

No, WE Don't Need To "Turn Down The Temperature" Joe

 From Jan at The Easton Gazette:

After disrespectfully refusing to call President Trump anything other than "Donald" and "Trump" because Joe just can't speak respect for his opponent and a former President, then Biden goes on to talk about all these examples of political violence in our country. Three examples he gave? J6. The attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband. The attempt to kidnap Gretchen Witmer.

Notice any events he left off? The shooting of Republican Senators and Congressmen at a baseball practice; a shooting that nearly killed Congressman Steven Scalise? I guess it didn't happen. The mob violence in Portland, Seattle, St. Louis, and Baltimore that saw buildings burning down and people injured and killed? Not violent but peaceful. The targeting of police in New York City? No big deal.

And did he even mention those killed by illegals? No. But, he never mentions those. There are so many other things he left off the list.

Apparently, Democrats are the only victims of political violence in our country.

Notice that Biden never mentions that times that Trump has been portrayed as Hitler, a tyrant, a domestic terror threat, an existential threat, and an enemy to our "democracy." Finally, the other night, he admits that he shouldn't have said, "put a bullseye on Trump." Wow. It only took him three days to get that one out. Wouldn't have gone over so well if Trump had been killed, would it.

Of course, we know that Joe doesn't write his own script. We know that his handlers tell him what to do. Still, they just keep presenting lies. They aren't the only ones. Yesterday, I saw example after example of progressives mourning because Trump wasn't killed. One of them was a Congressional aid in Benny Thompson's office. There were elected officials from a variety of states either posting something about the shooter needing better aim OR that this is "all Trump's fault." Worst of all? TEACHERS! (Read more.)


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