Friday, July 19, 2024

A Hydrogen Galaxy

 From DigitiMed:

If verified, the object might provide scientists a glimpse into an early period of galaxy history. “I’ve been in this field for quite a few decades, and we’ve wanted to find something like this for a very long time,” says research leader Karen O’Neil, an astronomer at West Virginia’s Green Bank Observatory, to Astronomy. The first indication of something unexpected was a difference between observations obtained by the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and the Nançay Radio Telescope in France as part of a coordinated study of dim galaxies. Though they were meant to be staring at the same sky, the 100-meter-wide GBT detected something the Nançay Radio Telescope did not.

“Upon looking a little bit closer at it and spending far too much time, we discovered that we had actually mistyped the coordinates in the GBT catalog,” O’Neil stated Jan. 8 at a news conference at the American Astronomical Society (AAS) winter meeting in New Orleans. “This is something, unfortunately, astronomers do occasionally late at night.”  (Read more.)


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