Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The March To Globalism Continues

 From The Easton Gazette:

The United Nations is actively navigating the river to one-world-governance, aka Globalism. While we, in these United States, take a breath on what we were sold as a “win” against the World Health Organization’s plans to implement their draconian “Pandemic Treaty” which is not a treaty at all (more on that in later articles) it comes to light that the United Nations has introduced what is called “Our Common Agenda”.

Is our common agenda one focused on empowering the individual on a global scale? Is it an agenda to create a stronger team of U.N. member countries? Is it designed to lift up the world’s poor populations currently being oppressed by their governments or ruthless gangs? Upon perusal of “Our Common Agenda” I can, with confidence, state emphatically "NO" to all those questions.

On the opening page titled ”A Wake-up call”, after the expected aggrandizing of the organization, a list titled “The Cost Of Covid-19” is listed. This list includes such claims as

  • “The pandemic-induced poverty surge will also widen the gender poverty gap, meaning more women will be pushed into extreme poverty than men.”
  • “Nearly one in three people in the world (2.37 billion) did not have access to adequate food in 2020 – an increase of almost 320 million people in just one year”
  • “Early estimates suggest a potential increase of up to 45 per cent in child mortality because of health-service shortfalls and reductions in access to food.”
  • “Total working hours fell by 8.8 per cent in 2020, the equivalent of 255 million full time jobs.”
  • “Restricted movement, social isolation and economic insecurity are increasing women’s vulnerability to violence in the home around the world.”

Challenges presented by C-19 are declared, such as;  shared vulnerability, inequalities in societies, disenchantment with institutions and political leadership, vaccine nationalism. (Read more.)


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