Tuesday, June 25, 2024

A Matter of Life and Art

 From Andrew Klavan at The New Jerusalem:

In Sondheim’s Sunday in the Park with George, Mandy Patinkin as Georges Seurat sings about letting life pass him by while he performs the essentially meaningless task of painting an article of clothing: “You watch the rest of the world from a window while you finish the hat.”

I was thirty when Sunday in the Park opened on Broadway. I was just beginning to emerge from the darkest period of my life. I had tickets to the show one night, but I was volunteering at a suicide hotline then. I arranged to meet your mother at the theater after my shift.

But that evening, I received the one and only emergency call I ever got. A guy phoned and said he had taken a fatal dose of pills and just wanted to talk to me while he died. Working desperately against the clock, I managed to wangle his address out of him and sent an ambulance to fetch him. (Read more.)


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