Wednesday, June 19, 2024

"Pride Month" in Talbot County

 Pride Month is oozing by as parents struggle to protect their children from the vulgar and obscene public displays promoting adult sexual behavior intended to destroy innocence and awaken confusion. In Easton on a city block there are displayed “Pride Flags” which also promote the transgender agenda, an agenda which many doctors and psychologists have said is detrimental to the physical and mental health of children. Women representing the Talbot County Free Library offered books aimed at “teens and tweens” promoting the homosexual lifestyle at the taxpayers’ expense.

The Delmarva Pride Center has hosted a series of drag queen and other gay events hosted by many Talbot County businesses and institutions such as the Academy Art Museum, the Adkins Arboretum, the Avalon Theater, the Dorchester County Health Department, the YMCA, The Hummingbird Inn, Mid-Shore Behavioral Health, Shore United Bank and many others. Many of the above institutions receive tax payer funds to promote behavior which violates the moral consciences of many citizens of Talbot County.

On June 16, 2024 in an op-ed in The Star Democrat, Mr. Rudy Reyes accused the Republican Party of promoting "fear of persecution" against the LGBTQ community, particularly in connection with a meeting of the Easton Town Council on June 3, 2024. While registered Republicans and members of the Talbot County Republican Central Committee may have attended that meeting, they attended as concerned citizens on their own behalf, not as representatives of the GOP. As for the Council members themselves, Mr. Frank Gunsallus is not a Republican. Mr. David Montgomery is, but like the other Town Council members, he spoke on his own behalf, not on behalf of the Republican party. While individual members, myself included, may wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Montgomery, he was not in that instance representing the GOP.

To be clear, the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, does not endorse "persecution" of anyone. At any rate, after reviewing the video, I fail in this case to see how the words of either Mr. Gunsallus or Mr. Montgomery rose to the level of "persecution." If someone does not choose to celebrate or promote the LGBTQ agenda, it does not signify persecution. It may mean, however, that many people have come to view the LGBTQ community as a political movement which heavily identifies with the far left of the Democrat party. That is where the words "socialism" and "ideology" come in. And we Republicans are as free to disagree with you Democrats on your ideologies as you are free to disagree with us. For instance, a Democrat might disagree with me about the human rights of an unborn child, but that does not mean I am being persecuted.

As for traditional holidays being about "feelings" let us be clear that Christmas is about the birthday of Jesus Christ, not feelings. St. Patrick's Day is about a man who preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ under brutal circumstances. On July 4, 1776 our founders were putting their lives in danger for their country. Most of our holidays are about sacrifice for the sake of God or country. Not feelings.

What I am wondering about is how drag queens came to epitomize the LGBTQ movement. I noticed on the Delmarva Pride Festival schedule that 5 drag queens are named as hosts. To many people drag is seen as mockery of women and degrading to femininity. Maybe women should feel persecuted.

Below is Mr. Montgomery's appeal to sanity and common sense at the Easton Town Council on June 3, 2024, for which he is being accused of bigotry. I applaud Mr. Gunsallus on the Easton Town Council for choosing to focus public funds on building a climate for prosperous businesses rather than spending money on ideological causes. Unfortunately, he is being accused of having hatred in his heart for certain causes and proclivities. But "hate" is a serious accusation and should not automatically be assumed to be playing a part in the decision-making. I agree with Mr. David Montgomery and am glad he spoke out.


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