Sunday, June 2, 2024

FBI’s New Coercion Plot to Stop Trump…

 From Revolver:

By now, most rational folks would agree that the FBI, along with the entire intelligence community, has been weaponized and now serves as the strong arm of the Biden regime. It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? We’ve heard countless stories about how the intel community has shielded Hunter Biden, from dismissing his laptop issues as ‘Russian disinformation’ to covering up his illegal gun and tax troubles. As a matter of fact, we just found out how the CIA circled the wagons for Hunter and the IRS. (Read more.)


From The National Review:

In the short term, polls suggest that even a guilty verdict will have little effect on Trump’s political standing. A Quinnipiac poll reports that a conviction would make only 6 percent of self-identified Trump voters less likely to vote for him. With Trump wrapping up the Republican nomination during his prosecution and leading in polls nationally and in six of the seven battleground states, the trials may have even helped him politically (though they might cost him in the general election).

Part of the blame for this rests with the Democrats who brought such farcical charges to knock Trump out of the race. Win or lose, the weakness of the New York hush-money trial has put Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg’s partisan motives on full display. He focused the trial on the salacious details of the encounter between Trump and Stephanie Clifford (the real name of pornographic-film actress Stormy Daniels), which had almost no relevance to the actual legal charges. For example, seemingly to besmirch Trump’s character, prosecutors spent time asking whether Clifford had seen Trump in bed in his underwear ­— he is such a bad man that he must be guilty of something, the DA wants the jury to conclude. (Read more.)


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