Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Interpersonal Communication Skills

 From Conover:

Cooperating, or working well with others, is an important part of interacting with people in the workplace. Even though each employee might have their own individual tasks and goals, the entire staff or team has the same goal. That goal is to help the organization be successful. This common goal is why cooperation is so important in the workplace. Cooperation involves the sharing of ideas and the ability to listen to, respect, and respond appropriately to other people. Having your students work in groups with each other on projects is one way to develop cooperation.

Respect is key for any successful workplace and any successful employee. People show respect for others by being polite and using their manners. They listen to one another and respect each other’s opinions, even when they disagree. Having respect for one another allows employees to work well together. Helping your students develop respect for each other is simple. If you treat them with respect they will learn it directly from you. (Read more.)

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