Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Liberalism and Loneliness

From The Washington Post:
As liberalism has progressed, it has done so by ever more efficiently liberating each individual from “particular places, relationships, memberships, and even identities — unless they have been chosen, are worn lightly, and can be revised or abandoned at will.” In the process, it has scoured anything that could hold stable meaning and connection from our modern landscape — culture has been disintegrated, family bonds devalued, connections to the past cut off, an understanding of the common good all but disappeared.

And in the end, we’ve all been left terribly alone.

That’s the heart of it, really. Liberalism is loneliness. The state isn’t our sibling; the market won’t be our mate. And the more either the right or left’s solutions attempt to fill in the gaps — “more markets, for you to attempt to buy back what has been destroyed! More regulations, to protect you when you can’t!” — the more obvious it becomes that the entire concept is flawed. The institution of liberalism is caving in on itself, and we each individually feel the crush. (Read more.)

1 comment:

julygirl said...

In the Broadway musical "Fiddler on the Roof" the musical number "Tradition" emphasized its importance in holding their culture together against all odds. Liberalism does not 'liberate' it is practiced today it holds people in bondage to all the factors they must fight against in order to be 'liberated'. In an editorial by George Wills he mentions how difficult it must be to keep tract of it all. They actually end up being bigger and more virulent 'Haters" than the rest of us are whom are accused of being Haters.