Monday, September 23, 2024

The Scientific Establishment Is Turning 'Science' Into a Dogmatic Tool of Oppression

From The Rand Paul Review:

Relativism—the denial of objective truth—is the weapon of choice for totalitarians of all ilks—individuals, groups,  and governments. When adopting a relativist stance, individuals become gods in their own universe. They can identify as whatever they want—a cat, dog, or wombat—because their feelings trump objective facts. The fact that every cell in the human body has sex chromosomes won’t stop the relativist boy who feels like a girl from claiming that he is, in fact, a girl. The boy ignores the objective fact that he would have to change every cell in his body for it to be true. 

At the group level, radical relativists deny reality so they can claim that there was no holocaust or that the earth is flat. Historical facts and scientific scrutiny are anathema to them. At the governmental level, relativism is used to forward progressive ideology by silencing logic and banishing objectivity. For a government to gain total control of its people, it must first censor those narratives that do not agree with its own, even those based on scientific analysis and rigorous proof.

Relativism does not advocate a plurality of truths, though relativists claim it does. Instead, it seeks to eliminate all perspectives of reality except the one an individual, group, or government adheres to. The relativist is not inclusive but exclusive to the extreme. Of the three—individual, group, and governmental—the governmental is the most dangerous. Governments with totalitarian tendencies promote individual and group relativism to sow confusion. When the time is ripe, they step in and take over. When that happens, the government’s narrative is the only one that counts. (Read more.)


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