Saturday, September 28, 2024

Brutally Honest

This is bizarre. And so sad. The end of humanity must be near. From BuzzFeed:

There's no denying that people (and women in particular) face humongous pressure in our society to have children. But the decision to have a baby is a life-altering one, and many people decide that it is not the right choice for them. Well, over on Quora, people started talking about their decision to have or not have children and whether they regret their choice, and some of the conversations were extremely thought-provoking.

1. "I love my son. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me in many ways. He's made me a more patient, responsible person. I don't believe in heaven, but I would think he was an angel if I did. His smiles and giggles light up my soul. But I have never felt so hopeless, exhausted, and worn down. If I could do it all over again, I really think I would have given him up for adoption." (Read more.)

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