Saturday, July 9, 2022

A Moveable Garden

 From Domino:

When Cassie Winslow and her husband, Nicholas, move from one house to another, they don’t just take their furniture with them—their garden comes along for the ride, too. So far they’ve transported their outdoor greenery three times, with the latest transplant taking place last June. Looking to buy property (and be closer to Cassie’s family), they purchased a three-bedroom home in California’s Sacramento Valley, around a two-and-a-half-hour drive from their Santa Cruz rental. With help from family members, they dug up everything, put it in pots, and loaded it on trucks, trying to take as much soil with them as possible given their new yard was mostly just dead grass at the time. “We became so attached to everything we planted,” explains Cassie. (Read more.)



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