Monday, July 11, 2022

A Catholic View of the Value of Human Life

 From Catholic Exchange:

Human beings fail to appreciate the value of human life when they view it from the standpoint of the universe.  From that vantage point, human life seems so paltry.  They also fail to appreciate its value when they are distracted by the palpable things they can possess.  Yet, as the eminent theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar tells us, “Man is the being who bears in his heart a mystery greater than himself.”  Being open to God and being touched by His grace allows a person to realize his inestimable value.  By contrast, as Balthasar goes on to say, “It is true that, in the sinner, this sanctuary has become neglected and forgotten, overgrown and turned into a sepulchre or a rubbish-heap” (Prayer, p. 19).

When we observe the unseemly protests for abortion–for the destruction of uterine life—we are saddened that human beings, made in the image and likeness of God, can renounce their dignity and fight against that which makes them spiritually complete.  Life has, indeed, been cheapened, and people protest violently to keep it cheap.  It is a diabolical phenomenon.

Statistics Canada has released data showing that the average birth rate for women has decreased to 1.4 children per women of child-bearing age.  This is a record low for Canada and critically below the 2.1 children considered as the natural replacement rate for a population.  Susan McDaniel, a sociology professor at the University of Victoria told CTV News that these lower births rates represent a “good trend,” not only for parents and society, but also for the planet.  The last beneficiary is highly doubtful.  The planet exists for man, not the other way around.  Besides, the planet does not care one way or the other whether there are fewer children around.  But to compare the value of children with the presumed value of the planet is surely misanthropic. (Read more.)


From Live Action:

Now in her 70s, Reese sees a very different world than that in which she grew up, and is alarmed at the casualness at how many young women view abortion.

“Abortion is murder. You are killing another human being,” she said. “Even now, many years later, I still feel the terrible pain of abortion. For those who say abortion equates to women’s healthcare, they are lying. A woman going through a difficult pregnancy should always get a second or third opinion. Explore all options, but please do not consider abortion as the only alternative.”

The breakdown of sexual mores has contributed to the rise in abortions, according to Reese, and that instead, families should begin by installing morality starts with the family unit and stresses the importance of parents having open and honest dialogue with their children.

“Healthy sexual attitudes come from having truthful discussions about marriage and commitment,” Reese said. “Kids often don’t know what to expect from marriage nor do they understand the consequences of having casual sexual relations.”

While Reese is hopeful that abortion rates will decline now that Roe has been overturned, she grieves that so many babies have been killed.

“Sometimes I think the world has gone nuts,” Reese said. “I worry that young people are being influenced to make wrong choices. I pray there will be more opportunities to change hearts and minds about abortion.”

While Reese looks forward to her daughter’s impending wedding, she is also saddened that, because her daughter had uterine cancer, she will never bear children. Reese will sorely miss the chance at being a grandmother. At times, she wonders if this is God’s punishment for the sin of abortion, but she knows that God is compassionate and merciful.

Reese said, “I pray every morning, but I still feel the guilt. I wonder what my baby would have looked like, where he or she would be right now. I will always pine for my child.”

She has a message for women everywhere: think before making the grave decision to have an abortion.

“Life is complicated, and you never know what’s going to happen,” Reese said. “But you can make the right choices because if you don’t. guilt and regret will plague you for the rest of your life.” (Read more.)


From The Stream:

We’ll tell you what will happen, though. The pro-abort states will gradually get older, poorer, more violent, and less free. Believing that freedom begins and ends at the bedroom door, they will go choosing top-down, socialist answers to basic economics — which will go on hurting the poor. Soft-on-crime policies and intrusive social programs will remain mere Band-Aids on gaping wounds caused by the natural side-effects of the Sexual Revolution. High percentages of non-white kids will continue to be aborted. Poor communities will remain stuck in the glue trap of government dependence. By doubling down on the socially destructive legacy of the 1970s, blue cities will keep on going the way of Baltimore.

Meanwhile, pro-life red states will become younger, richer, and freer. Minority communities won’t be devastated by 60% abortion rates, at clinics sited to target them. Most black babies will get to be born alive. But without the deadly backstop of an “easy,” nearby abortion, more young girls will make wiser choices about having sex while they’re still teenagers. We’ll see the rate of unwed motherhood flatten, then decline — as young men feel the goad to marry girls if they really want them. A rebirth of marriage and fatherhood is the unavoidable outcome — restoring to the poor the one thing they need more than any handout: intact families to grow up in. (Read more.)


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