Saturday, April 20, 2019

No One Saw It Coming

From Russian Insider:
Winston Churchill once described Russia as a "riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma."  Churchill's words ring true today as we see Russia, almost mysteriously, emerge onto the world stage as a military adversary; a geopolitical rival; and a vexing riddle that nobody in Washington, D.C. has quite figured out.  Obama got it wrong when he mocked Mitt Romney's concerns that Russia was a menace to world order, calling the Russians a "regional power."

D.C.-based Russian foreign policy experts have a dismal track record as prognosticators.  Mr. Leon Aron, in Foreign Policy magazine, writes:  "Every revolution is a surprise." Still, the latest Russian Revolution must be counted among the greatest of surprises. In the years leading up to 1991, virtually no Western expert, scholar, official, or politician foresaw the impending collapse of the Soviet Union. (Read more.)

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